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Your portfoloio is whack so its standard that you're poore
been buying derivvie bullshit since the 2008 floor
your futures looking grim and your options lookin awful
every day like black friday when you hedgies start to waffle
dreddy dont even put his cash in the stock market
take donations in monero and thats where he park it
dreddy on the sidelines watchin the market get propped
gonna liquidate his assets and buy when that shit drops
dreddy got swiss bank accounts stacking up cash in large amounts
yeah dred got mad money but this aint cramers house
gotta be a roarin kitty to catch a hedgie mouse
GME gainz is what im talking all about
dred dont care how much the hedgies beg
they gonna have to pay a trillion arms and legs
got the hedgie scumsuckers putting bullets in their heads
dred didnt do nothing other than hodl every day
Cuz im stacking GME gainz like a WallStreet Ape
gonna take all my profits and buy some real estate
laugh while hedgies taking baths with their toasters
ill be out in hawaii on the beach pig roastin
dred aint no fool he DRS to impress
buying loadsa GME every single paycheck
stocked up like an APE so give dred some respect