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so I guess you wanna be dredful dude like me
scary stoic loner hacker verbal murderin' machine
got gosling vibes when i exfil these drives
call me friggin' bickle the law I follow is mine

dred on the defens insane when when i get hangry
more of a flynn type cuz that CLUless MC got me angry
manderly mandating that I operate to his architectin
Dred leave UNATCO keep those feddy tards guessin

chosen undred dont care bout linkin no flame
not a lord of dark either dont care either way
rugged individualist evolved from randian bullshit
call myself roscharch cuz' I stopped pullin hits

Bateman is an avatar for some of my catharsis
choppin' up some yuppies in their overpriced apartments
not the violent type but everyone has their frustrations
dred puts his bad feelings into rapping and game playin'

han solo antihero braggin' bout kessel run numbers
DRED pirate roberts out here makin humperdink blunder
not fighting to letters of any type of law
just going around stopping the shit I think is wrong

ya get in my way ill ask you politely to move
you become an obsticle you'll get atomically removed
call me mr house sendin nukes out by myself
hunkered up in my bunker chillin' on an avalanche of wealth

you can call me deckard cuz im out here hunting fakes
or maybe call me courier out saving the mojave wastes
I can be a joker not taking life too serious
call me dred quixote out here actin' delerious

dred a lone wolf because "you wouldn't get it"
all the real ones out there like "AW SHIT MAN HE SAID IT"
I'm a SOVLder of 4chan shitpostings last son
I'll leave the internet when I decide I'm fuckin' done